On September 8, Estonia issued a regulation restricting Russian citizens from crossing the country's border.
The regulation contains an exception for close relatives of Estonian citizens and holders of a long-term residence permit. At the same time, close relatives of Estonian residents with a temporary residence permit can’t enter the country.
Getting a long-term residence permit is difficult for many of these residents due to the length of residence requirement in Estonia.
The explicit mention of the long-term residence permit made it impossible for hundreds of families, some of whose members live in Estonia on the basis of a temporary residence permit, and others in Russia, to see their parents, children, and spouses in Estonia.
The situation is made worse by the fact that travel to Russia has become risky for such anti-war residents due to criminal prosecution in Russia for supporting Ukraine and its citizens, as well as the risk of being mobilized to participate in the war against Ukraine.
We propose to exclude the requirements for the long-term residence permit of close relatives from the conditions for crossing the border in order to be able to meet with spouses, parents, and children, regardless of the type of document on the basis of which we are residents of Estonia.
Update 1, quantitative.
Registered in Estonia at the beginning of 2022 [source]:
- 77.5 thousand long-term residence permits of Russian citizens whose close relatives are allowed to enter;
- 9.5 thousand temporary residence permits, the owners of which cannot be visited by close relatives.
Update 2, qualitative.
The majority of temporary residence permits were issued to high-skilled workers invited to Estonia (37%) and their families, as well as students of Estonian universities (17%) [source].
Close relatives (children, spouses, and parents only) who came on the basis of short-term visas were in most cases elderly parents who visited their children with their grandchildren without posing a threat to the security of Estonia.
Kindel EI ! Teid,venelasi, on juba praegu ülearu praegu, liiga palju, kui tunnete puudust - minge tagasi, Putja manu !🤬😡
Aitäh kommentaari eest, Rene. Olen lisanud tekstile kaks uuendust, et teie seisukohti käsitleda.
Kui vaid saaksite jääda ilma ema, isa, venna, õeta, kes elama teises riigis !!! Selliste kommentaaridega! Pole vahet, kes sa oled - ukrainlane, venelane, eestlane, me kõik oleme inimesed ja tahame oma perekonda näha ja kallistada ning eelkõige on see poliitika !!!
Lähisugulane on ka õde
Seni ei taibanud, kuidas minu õde ei ole minu lähisugulane.
Are you serious?
As a result of the russian invasion of Ukraine, my relatives also can't visit me simply because they are protecting our country. I cannot meet with relatives because vising them in Ukraine IS dangerous for me since russian missiles can kill me there in a second. What are you complaining about???
People of comfort.
In case you want to visit your close relatives, it's possible to do so in third countries, in case they have a visa. Or alternatively you could visit them in Russia. In case you are not satisfied with either option, I suggest you to do as most as is in your power to end this war by voicing your satisfaction about the current Kremlin Regime. Have you considered, that millions of Ukrainians haven't had the chance to visit their family for more than half a year. While you're worried about a temporary restriction... Also as an addition, you could mention that close relatives are also the spouses of your siblings.
Hello Märt. People may have different circumstances: i.e newborn babies or they might get ill which can make it impossible to travel to third countries or to Russia; also, in many cases - it is children that cannot be visited by their grandparents (can we hold them accountable?). We are residents of Estonia, we live here, work here, pay taxes, pay loans/mortgages etc. Most of us became residents before February 24 of this year. Would you please specify what exactly you mean by “to do as most as in your power to end this war” and how this restriction on relative’s visits of TRP holders helps to restore the situation? I always thought that one can only judge another (for doing or not doing something) when they “put on the other person’s shoes” - this may change the perspective a lot. Thank you.
Like it, don’t like it, endure, my beauty. (c) Putin
@Ekaterina Popova
Hello Ekaterina, Living in Europe is not a right, it is a privilege. The fact, that children cannot travel is not holding children accountable for the war crimes of Kremlin, it is a side-effect of the current government policy. Why is this the current goverment policy, you have probably heard, but in case you haven't - here is a local politician explaining why it is so: https://rus.err.ee/1608715345/kto-kogo-rossijskim-turistam-vezd-vosprewen How this restriction on relative’s visits of TRP holders helps to restore the situation? It will increase the pressure on public servants, as their can't visit their own relatives either, which will increase the cases of protest and mutiny, which in turn will make the regime less effective in conducting their genocidal policies and illegal war. I don't have to put myself in another person's shoes to see, that most of the population of Russia are cowards afraid to speak up against the regime. I suggest you study the Euromaidan and compare it to antiwar protests in Russia. Then perhaps you can better understand, why most people are judging the public of Russia.
Hello Märt. Thank you for your reply. Could you please elaborate on the following: “ Living in Europe is not a right, it is a privilege” - which meaning do you put into the word “privilege” here? Do you mean that by the fact of being born in a EU country one resident of this country is more privileged than the one who moved here? Many of the TRP holders were invited to work in Estonia as professionals and moved here (with their families or alone) prior to Feb 24 of this year. Would appreciate your explanation on how this category of people is less privileged (and how is any category of the residents of a country can be less privileged or more privileged in general). As for “putting yourself in another person’s shoes” - it is easy to judge and tell other people what to do from the comfort and safety of Europe, but are you sure your actions (not words) would be as brave as you expect them from others if you were “from the other side of the fence”?
Citizens of Estonia naturally have more privileges than TRP holders. It shouldn't come to you as an surprise, unless you don't understand your temporary resident status. Did the Goverment of Estonia invite you to come here, that you should expect you to give something? In case you're unhappy with your lack of "privilege", you're welcome to do the naturalization process. By principle I don't answer to hypothetical questions. What I would do in a hypothetical situation doesn't change the fact that most of the citizens of Russia don't have the courage or will to speak up against terrorism and genocide.
Appreciate the advise. Have a good one!