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We call the Riigikogu (the Parliament) to intervene in the problem of airlines leaving Tallinn and unreasonable increases in air fares and to adopt a decision to improve flight connections to Tallinn Airport - to ensure at least the same level of flight connection diversity and cheap flights as Riga Airport. We ask the Riigikogu in its decision to make it a precondition for demanding dividends from Tallinn Airport that the demand for dividends must not lead to the closure of air routes and must not lead to a lack of low-cost flights to Tallinn.
EXPLANATION: On 25.11.2022, the Minister of Economy, Riina Sikkut, signed a written decision of the sole shareholder obliging Tallinn Airport to pay dividends on behalf of the State. As Tallinn Airport already pays taxes to the state and also operates regional airports, obliging the same company to pay dividends is in fact a disguised additional taxation of air passengers.
Tallinn Airport has delegated the dividend requirements of the Minister of Economy to airlines - by announcing a 33% increase in airport charges. Already in December, Ryanair closed 2 routes from Tallinn (Edinburgh and Liverpool), announced the complete closure of a further 6 routes (Billund, Paris, Dublin, Malta, Naples, Nuremberg), and cut frequencies to Berlin. Wizzair announced the closure of routes to Venice, Rome and Naples. Norwegian announced the closure of its Stockholm route.
Ryanair explained the reasons for the route closures in a press release 3.02.2023:
"These cuts are a direct consequence of Tallinn Airport's illogical decision to increase its charges excessively, by 33%."
"These new ill-conceived charges are extremely high and will make Tallinn, Estonia's main airport, completely uncompetitive compared to its European counterparts, which are lowering charges in order to recover and increase traffic/connection after the pandemic. At the same time, Tallinn's reckless decision to raise charges by 33% is causing huge damage to Estonia's tourism, connectivity, traffic and jobs, as these summer cuts show".
Tallinn Airport's sole and primary function is to provide air connections for Tallinn and the rest of Estonia to the rest of the world. The airport must also ensure that up to 200 000 Estonians living abroad have favourable opportunities to visit their home country as often as possible. The airport must ensure that cultural institutions, restaurants and hotels are well supplied with tourists. The airport must ensure travel facilities for Estonia's own tourists.
Low-cost airlines are the most vulnerable group when it comes to raising airport charges, as their business model is built on serving a price-sensitive group of travellers. In circumstances where an unreasonable increase in airport charges may not affect the low-cost airlines, it will put the sustainability of low-cost airlines at risk. Therefore, the low threshold of low-cost airlines to the deterioration of the economic environment in Tallinn is understandable.
Tallinn Airport has not and has not had the need to increase airport charges in order to meet the needs of the business as an economic entity. Its three-quarter operating profit before depreciation and amortisation (EBIDTA) was €4.3m in 2021 and €5.3m in 2022, its three-quarter net profit was €2.4m in 2021 and €3.2m in 2022. The whole problem is not due to economic reasons, but to a serious mismanagement from the Ministry of Economy in the form of dividend payouts.
ON THE AIRPORT BUSINESS MODEL Airports operate a business model where aviation services typically generate losses and ancillary activities generate profits to cover these losses. According to the International Council of Airports, airports earned an average of:
- 40.2% of their revenues from aviation
- 59.7% from ancillary activities
The most important revenue categories were ancillary activities:
- 26.4% - sales activities (tax-free trade, etc.)
- 20.9% - car parking services
- 15.2% - income from the rental of real estate and other assets
PS Tallinn Airport's business model has the peculiarity of covering the costs of regional airports (Tartu, Kärdla, Pärnu, Kihnu, Kuressaare and Ruhnu) in addition to its own revenues.
Välisminister Reinsalu üleskutse ja Ryanairi ühinemine sellega
14.02.2023 esitas välisminister Urmas Reinsalu asjakohastele ametkondadele üleskutse vaadata uuesti läbi ebamõistlik hindade tõstmine. Ryanair tunnustas Eesti välisministri initsiatiivi ja teatas sellega ühinemisest. https://reisijuht.delfi.ee/artikkel/120143374/ryanair-uues-teates-tallinna-lennujaama-juhi-jutt-tekitab-mitmes-mottes-muret
Iiri eestlaste pöördumine majandusministeeriumi poole
Iirimaa eestlased tegid majandusminister Sikkutile pöördumise, aga said vastuseks lehekülje sisutühja juttu. Petitsioon on kogunud 413 allkirja, 587 allkirja veel puudu. Delfi artikkel iiri eestlaste pöördumisest https://reisijuht.delfi.ee/artikkel/120161546/iirimaa-valiseestlased-ryanairi-lennureiside-peatamisest-lihtsam-on-minna-uheskoos-latti-kui-kutsuda-vanavanemad-siia
Tallinna Lennujaama puhaskasum 2022 aastal 8 688 245,54 eurot
Täna heitsin pilgu peale Rahandusministeeriumi infosüsteemis olevatele Tallinna Lennujaama finantsandmetele 2022 aasta lõpu seisuga. Selgus, et lennujaama puhaskasum (tulem riigiraamatupidamise keeles) oli 2022 aastal 8 688 245,54 eurot. PS petitsioonil on tänase seisuga 471 allkirja. Palun allkirjastage, kui tahate odavlendude väljatõrjumise probleemi saatmist Riigikokku toetada.
Tallinn-Saksamaa liini avava Marabu Airlines OÜ taust
Veebruaris tegin petitsiooni odavlennufirmade kaitseks Tallinnas (hetkel 481 allkirja, vaja juurde 519 allkirja), kuna Rahandusministeerium kehtestas neile ebamõistlikult kõrged tasud. Nüüd teatatakse uue Eesti lennufirma asutamisest Tallinnas. Naerukoht, see Marabu Airlines OÜ on 100% Saksa firma, Condor Airlinesi tütarfirma asutatud Eestisse. 100% juhid ja kasusaajad Saksa kodanikud. Condori peamine turg on reisifirmade tšarterlennud Saksamaalt üle maailma turismisihtkohtadesse. Peamiselt lendab sihtkohtadesse sesoonidel, kus muu lennuliiklus on ebapiisav. Nojah, nüüd leidiski sel põhjusel Tallinna perspektiivi siis. 2019 läks Condori emafirma pankrotti ja Saksa valitsus toetas Condori püsimajäämist 380 miljoni eurose abipaketiga. https://reisijuht.delfi.ee/artikkel/120174920/uus-eesti-lennufirma-toob-maksuraha-tookohad-ja-uued-uhendused