Appeal to the President of Estonia and Members of Parliament in support of Ukraine

  • Iryna Yatsiuk
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Riigikogus
  4. Järelkaja
Arutelu lõppenud

Arutelu tähtaeg:

🚫 Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta 🚫

Lugupeetud president Alar Karis,

Lugupeetud Riigikogu liikmed,

Nagu me kõik teame, kuulutas Venemaa 24. veebruaril, 2022. aastal sõja Ukrainale. Vene sõjaväelased ründasid Ukrainat erinevatest suundadest ning nüüd, sõja teisel päeval, toimub lahingutegevus ka riigi pealinna Kiievi tänavatel. Venemaa pikaajaline agressioon Ukraina vastu, mis viis lõpuks täiemõõdulise sõjani, õõnestab ülemaailmse julgeoleku alustalasid ning destabiliseerib tugevalt poliitilist olukorda Euroopas. See on erakordne olukord, mis vajab erakorralisi meetmeid.

Ukraina võitleb väärikalt. Nüüd on kaalul kogu riigi püsimajäämine. Riik võitleb vaatamata sellele kas ja mis ulatuses see saab toetust teistelt riikidelt, kuid partnerriikide toetus võib piisavalt suurendada selle võimekust seista vastu sellele vägivaldsele agressioonile.

Oleme väga tänulikud teie kindla seisukoha eest toetada Ukrainat. Eesti pakutav humanitaar-, poliitiline, rahaline ja sõjaväeline toetus, sealhulgas riigi väga hiljutised otsused, on meie jaoks suureks abiks ning väga julgustavad. Nüüd, kus iga tund loeb, on aeg veelgi kindlamateks meetmeteks.

Ukraina püsimajäämise nimel palume Eesti valitsusel kui Euroopa Liidu ja NATO liikmel:

- Nõuda Venemaa Föderatsiooni vastu maksimaalselt karmide sanktsioonide kehtestamist, selle väljaviskamist SWIFTist ning selle vastu kaubandusembargo kehtestamist;

- Toetada Venemaa täielikku isoleerimist kõigis formaatides;

- Kehtestada kohesed sanktsioonid kõigile Vene oligarhidele, mitte vaid mõnele üksikisikule nagu on seni tehtud;

- Anda Ukrainale täiendavat sõjaväelist toetust, sealhulgas relvi ja laskemoona. Eriti olulised on õhutõrjerelvad;

- Anda Ukrainale rahalist abi;

- Algatada Ukraina õhuruumi kaitsmine NATO poolt - see on otsustav tegur, mis päästaks elusid.

Me loodame, et nende meetmete kombinatsioon muudab Venemaa invasiooni sõjaliselt, majanduslikult ja poliitiliselt talumatult kulukaks oma valitsuse jaoks ning samaaegselt kaitseb Ukrainat ning kogu Euroopat.

Oleme tänulikud teie toetuse eest.

Dear President Alar Karis,

Dear Members of Riigikogu,

As we all know, on the 24th of February 2022, Russia declared war against Ukraine. Russian military troops attacked Ukraine from different directions, and now clashes are happening on the streets of its capital, Kyiv. The long-lasting aggression of Russia against Ukraine, which finally led to a full-scale war, undermines the fundamentals of global safety and strongly destabilises the political situation in Europe. This is an extraordinary situation that needs extraordinary actions.

Ukraine fights with dignity. The survival of the whole nation is at stake now. The country will fight irrespective of whether and at what level it will get support from other countries and on what level, but support from partner countries may sufficiently increase its ability to stand against this violent aggression.

We are highly grateful for your firm position to support Ukraine. Humanitarian, political, financial and military aid provided by Estonia, including very recent decisions, is very helpful and encouraging for us. Now, when every hour counts, it is time for even more determined measures.

For Ukraine to survive, we are requesting from the Estonian government, as a member of the European Union and NATO:

- To insist on introducing maximally severe sanctions against the Russian Federation, with disconnecting it from SWIFT and establishing a trading embargo against it;

- To support full isolation of Russia in all formats;

- To introduce immediate sanctions for all Russian oligarchs, not just a few individuals like that has been done so far;

- To provide further military support for Ukraine, including weapons and ammunition. Anti-aircraft armaments are especially important;

- To provide financial aid for Ukraine;

- To initiate the defence of the Ukrainian airspace by NATO - it is the decisive factor that would save lives.

We hope that these actions combined will make further Russia's invasion militarily, economically, and politically unbearable for its government and simultaneously shield Ukraine and the whole of Europe.

Thank you for your support.


  1. P

    - To insist on introducing maximally severe sanctions against the Russian Federation, with disconnecting it from SWIFT and establishing a trading embargo against it; Unfortunately this does not work as you think, because Russian enterprises would be not mor able to payback there loans to the west an will result in Milliarden of Euros damages to westetn Banks - To support full isolation of Russia in all formats; ??? - To introduce immediate sanctions for all Russian oligarchs, not just a few individuals like that has been done so far; That's perfect - To provide further military support for Ukraine, including weapons and ammunition. Anti-aircraft armaments are especially important; This IS already done by Estonia (anti aircraft missiles), Germany (AAM and Anti-Tank Missils) and France. - To provide financial aid for Ukraine; Already ongoing - To initiate the defence of the Ukrainian airspace by NATO - it is the decisive factor that would save lives. Ukraina is not a NATO member, hence an intervention mean, EUROPE would launch the 3rd World War. I do not think, people agree with this.

    1. Stop. It's not business for Estonia.

      Why the hell Estonia should support Ukraine this this situation? So far as I see, Ukrainian president only passes his time in Instagram, cleaning all comments that are calling him to have diplomatic conversation. and it means that he can handle everything by himself. Disabling Russia from Swift will also cause big problems to Estonian business and people will loose their jobs. Who the hell needs it? Our government promised to support Ukrainian refugees in Estonia, but who will help Estonians, who lives here whole life? Estonia don't have to suffer, just to make others suffer less. Stop this bullshit, for god's sake. Once this conflict started I used support Ukraine morally. But now I see how it all goes and actually see that Russia's actions make sense somehow. Ukraine is a Crab mentality. Once they are falling, they will scream so much as they can, but will do only one tenth, to save themselves. Ukraine always demonstrates itself as independent and mighty country, so let them show first, what can they do to help themselves. They were warned about operation/war coming, they did nothing about it. Please, quit kidding around and provide help to Ukraine by yourself. You can donate your own money. Most of you will have some taxes refund soon, so feel free to send all of it to Ukraine, instead asking government to do this :) We already have a lot of dumb political persons in government. Quit it. We don't need this European Somalia in NATO or EU.

      1. Lies in previous comment.

        "Once they are falling, they will scream so much as they can, but will do only one tenth, to save themselves." Nice try Moskal.

        1. Actually, there is point. While our electricity bills, retiree, education, covid crisis, benefits are in bad condition, what shouldn't we spend our country money for our citizens? We can built hospitals, schools, increase salaries for emergency services(or employees), teachers and provide some help for poor, why should we support Ukraine?

      2. Tõlge

        Tõlgi pealkiri eesti keelde. Muidu see rahvaalgatusest läbi ei lähe. Pealkiri võiks olla näiteks selline:Pöördumine Ukraina toetamiseks Eesti presidendi ja parlamendiliikmete poole

        Olen lugenud läbi algatuse "Appeal to the President of Estonia and Members of Parliament in support of Ukraine" ja avaldan toetust oma allkirjaga.