Eesti tunnustamine Põhjamaana ning ühinemine Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukoguga

  • Richard Sebastian Ild
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Riigikogus
  4. Järelkaja
8 allkirja

992 allkirja puudu Riigikokku saatmiseks. Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Eesti keeles (allkirjastamisel)Inglise keeles (tõlge)

Estonia is historically, culturally and economically a Nordic country, but it is yet to be recognised. The aim of this petition is to direct the country to apply for membership in the Nordic Council of Ministers and introduce the correct name Estland at an international level.

Estonia shares a common history, linguistic and cultural features and economic development with the Nordic countries, but until now we have been seen more as a Baltic state. Our historical ties with Denmark and Sweden date back to the Middle Ages, Viking influences are clearly visible in our culture, and various customs, such as Midsummer, Shrove Tuesday (Fettisdagen/Fastelavn) and various song and dance festivals, overlap with Finnish and Scandinavian customs.

Indeed, between the First and Second World Wars there was a major movement for a Nordic Estonia. At that time, cross flags were also proposed, heads of state held negotiations with members of the then Nordic Council, and a joint Finnish-Estonian union or common state was even considered. It is also known that Estonia's GDP per capita was higher than Finland's. Many believe that if the Soviet Union had not occupied Estonia, we would still be a member of the Nordic Council of Ministers and known as a Nordic country. In addition, between the two world wars, Finland was known as a Baltic state, together with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, and sometimes also with Poland.

Estonian cuisine is also strongly connected to Nordic food culture, and our architecture and design are also influenced by Scandinavian styles. Economically, Estonia follows Nordic models — innovation, technology and the digital society are our passion. Despite this, Estonia has not taken official steps to affirm its Nordic identity.

Currently, Estonia focuses on the Baltic states and the European Union, but Nordic cooperation would open up wider opportunities and greater international influence for us. In addition, Estonia's foreign name "Estonia" is inappropriate — Estonia, as a Northern European country with a majority of Baltic Finns, should not bear a Slavic name, and it is not in line with the historical names of the Nordic countries and does not reflect our cultural affiliation. The Germanic language name "Estland" is historically correct, as it was already used by the Vikings, officially by Denmark for the Duchy of Estland, and is similar to other Nordic names, such as Finland and Iceland.

More reasons why Estonia is a Nordic country can be found on the website (in English).

In addition: We are in a situation where there is also a risk of military invasion. Our eastern neighbor is an aggressor country, which is a common enemy for us and the other Nordic countries. In general, Estonia's security is at risk, and therefore joining the Nordic Council of Ministers would ensure a better security situation for us.

This petition calls on the Estonian government to:

1. Submit a formal application to join the Nordic Council of Ministers.

  • Initiate discussions and draw up an action plan for Estonia to become a full member.

2. Strengthen Estonia's Nordic identity both domestically and internationally.

  • Direct educational and cultural policies towards strengthening Estonia's Nordic image.
  • Raise awareness of Estonia's historical and cultural ties with the Nordic countries.

3. Change Estonia's official international name to "Estland"

  • Estonia should abandon the Slavic name "Estonia" and use the historically correct name "Estland"
  • This would strengthen Estonia's membership in the Nordic and Germanic cultural space.

The Estonian state deserves its rightful place among the Nordic countries. Nordic cooperation would bring Estonia new development opportunities, increase economic prosperity and affirm our cultural identity.

Sign now if you believe that Estonia is a Nordic country and that we must receive the Nordic status we deserve!

8 allkirja

992 allkirja puudu Riigikokku saatmiseks. Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Anna sellele algatusele oma allkiri!

Tähelepanu! Algatuse algtekst on kirjutatud eesti keeles, kuid lugesid ülal inglisekeelset tõlget. Su allkiri läheb aga eestikeelsele tekstile. Allkirjastada saab vähemalt 16-aastane Eesti alaline elanik.
Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Mobiil-ID-ga allkirjastamine on sulle tasuta tänu annetustele.

Smart-ID-ga allkirjastamine on sulle tasuta tänu annetustele.


  1. Ma arvan samuti.

    Hea mõte.

    1. Tore näha, et on veel mõttekaaslasi! Palun jagage ka, nii palju kui võimalik.

  2. Lisa

    Lisasin hetkel vägagi asjakohase teema kohta teksti lisa, pealkirjaga "Lisaks", seotud meie sõjalise julgeolekuolukorraga.

    1. Tagasiside lippu kohta

      Algatuse autorina sooviks ma inimestelt tagasiside lipu kohta kommentaarides: mis on Teie arvamus uue lipu valimisest? Kas võiks olla olukord, kus Eesti Vabariigis oleks kaks lippu, ehk nii praegune trikoloor kui ka välja pakutud ristilipp, puhtalt esinduslikus ja teiste Põhjamaade riikidega kokku sobimise mõttes? Kas ristilipp sobiks meie riigi esinduslikuks sümboliks? Tuues välja faktid, et Eestis on varemgi kasutusel olnud ristilipud ja on ka tänapäevalgi, nii seto rahva lipp kui ka Pärnu linna lipp. Harjumaa vapp on tegelikult Taani lipp vapi kujul. Ja kui usulises kontekstis vaadata, siis näiteks 2023. aasta Gallup Internationali uuring näitas, et Rootsi oli riik, kus on kõige suurem protsent kodanikke, kes väitsid, et nad ei usu jumalasse. ISSP 2018. aastal leidis, et 40% kodanikest ei usu jumalasse, ehk mõni võib öelda, et see lipp on kaotanud oma usulise sideme. Ja veel üks huvitav fakt on see, et maailma esimene ristilipp, Taani lipp, sündis Tallinnas, tollases Lindanises, selle täpne lugu küll teadmata. Mina jään sellel teemal erapooletuks, sest minu eesmärk on peamiselt saada Eesti Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukogusse ning sellega vastava tunnustuse, vahet pole mis lipu all. Mulle pakub pakub ainult huvi see, mida rahvas arvab, kui selline lipu-teemaline arutelu või valimine/referendum peaks toimuma. Ootan huvitavaid argumente ja arutelu!

      1. Ma palun vabandust kirjavea eest kommentaari pealkirjas, ma tahtsin kirjutada "lipu" mitte "lippu"

    Olen lugenud läbi algatuse "Eesti tunnustamine Põhjamaana ning ühinemine Põhjamaade Ministrite Nõukoguga" ja avaldan toetust oma allkirjaga.