Valju muusika ja bassi vibratsioon elamurajoonis

  • Fares Saleh Rashed Abdulreh Alteneiji
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Riigikogus
  4. Järelkaja
31 allkirja

969 allkirja puudu Riigikokku saatmiseks. Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Eesti keeles (allkirjastamisel)Inglise keeles (tõlge)Vene keeles (tõlge)

Tahaksin väljendada muret valju muusikamüra ja vibratsiooni pärast, mida tekitavad restoranid ja baarid, kasutades DJ-de ja bassikõlareid. Enim kannatavad inimesed, kes elavad Tallinna kesklinnas (vanalinnas või Rotermanni kvartalis). Pikka aega on valju muusika ja DJ-dega kaasnev müra muutunud rohkem häirivaks ja mõjutanud lastega perede, vanurite ja soovimatu müraga tegelevate inimeste igapäevaelu.

Paljud restoranid ja baarid on DJ-sid kasutanud igal nädalal kaks või kolm korda nädalas.

Nõrkade seaduste tõttu naeravad ettevõtted meile näkku, sest nad teavad, et seadus on nõrk ja nad tunnevad, et saavad teha, mida tahavad.

Isegi siis, kui äride uksed on suletud, ei saa inimesed magada, sest Base kõlarite mõju ja vibratsioon jõuavad kinnistule ning see takistab inimestel normaalset uneaega.

Enamasti ei peatu muusika ja DJ-d siis, kui peaksid. Argipäeviti kell 22 ja reedel ja laupäeval südaööl. Tänavu teatasid paljud inimesed munitsipaalpolitseile hoonete ümbruse mürarikkumistest.

Alates 01.07.2023 pöörduti munitsipaalpolitsei poole mitmel korral tööpäeviti ja nädalavahetustel helistades või e-posti teel.

Seadus ei ole mürarikkumiste suhtes range ja politseil pole volitusi probleemi lahendada.

Usun, et Tallinna elukvaliteedi parandamiseks tuleks teha mõningaid muudatusi.

Minu soovitused probleemi lahendamiseks

1- Muutke reedel ja laupäeval vaikne periood südaöölt kella 22-ni, nii et kogu nädala vaikne periood peaks algama kell 22.

2- Keelake baaskõlarite kasutamine kodude ja elamupiirkondade läheduses.

3- Välismuusika helitugevust tuleks kontrollida ja reguleerida

4- trahvide suurendamine mürarikkumiste eest

Usun, et need muudatused lahendavad muusika ja DJ-dega seotud müraprobleemi. Praegusel kujul pole müraprobleemist kellelegi kasu. Inimesi segatakse nende kodudes, nad kutsuvad lõpuks politsei, valitsus peab nendele mürakõnedele rohkem raha kulutama ja ettevõtted teevad mürarikkumisi rikkumiste järel.

31 allkirja

969 allkirja puudu Riigikokku saatmiseks. Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Anna sellele algatusele oma allkiri!

Allkirjastada saab vähemalt 16-aastane Eesti alaline elanik.
Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Mobiil-ID-ga allkirjastamine on sulle tasuta tänu annetustele.

Smart-ID-ga allkirjastamine on sulle tasuta tänu annetustele.


  1. ???

    Why do you rent an appartement in the City, if you know already before, that you have a Restaurant/Dicothek under your bed? Also the weekend is the main income for Restaurants and Discotheks. You simply can not restrict from one day to another Restaurants and Discotheks because ir will reduce the theire incomw by 50% or even more.

    1. Thank you for your reply. First of all we don’t rent ,we own properties and we live here. We don’t have to move because of people unethical and inhuman practice in the area. All of these business owners and workers I belive are not living here so basically they don’t care about other people maybe because they are selfish or something else who knows. I have been in the area for around 5 years. The issue with the musics pollution was not existing to the level its today. Many business are in the area such as restaurants , cafes , bar/wine shop etc. Some shops was exiting before I live in the area and they never have caused us problems with loud music, and they are still operating, so they are financially fine I guess without loud music or DJ every week. Additional to that many issues occur to the ear and hearing by these loud bass and tones produced by the Dj inside the businesses which could cause damages to the people but its not something I should protect people from. I belive they know of the side effects of the loud music. I understand from your comment that you are saying that music is what bring money to these businesses. Then maybe if the business is looking for the fast money, I belive many things will generate money faster than renting DJ everyweek. For example: crypto mining seems a good profitable way to get money and it doesn’t cause noise that someone cant sleep in his own home. First we tried nicely to talk with the businesses about the noise but they somehow mostly don’t care so we deicide to keep contacting police by different ways complaining about the noise (around every week). that’s currently the only way to fight back this kind of unpleasant activities related to loud noise and vibration. You belive I should not live in the city. the same question should be asked why the Discotheks is in the living area next to people homes and buildings? In my view , I see that the best place for the Discotheks is outside of the city. Estonia have many empty lands that can become Discotheks at least to be far from people homes and residential area. People need to have a comfortable atmosphere in their properties and not being targeted by Discotheks activities.

    2. Answer part 2 One day the government might decide to change the -Quiet period timing - public music noise level -Dj activities - other aspects related to noise pollution because the majority of Rigikoju believes that changes is needed to improve the life quality in Estonia.(with or without my petition). One great point which is not directly involved to out main point in this petition or discussion . In Netherland they are in the move to ban cigarette in the country i believe by 2032, in the current moment I believe you cant buy cigarettes from supermarkets, you can only from patrol station or some machine in some places, also you cant smoke in streets. Why do you think all these changes is happing, to improve the quality on living in the country. Our life in being effect a lot by the noise pollution in the area, there is limit for everything and many people have crossed the limit. So we have to take greater actions against their violations.

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