As our government is experiencing financial difficulties and introducing new taxes, it would be logical to link the salaries of the members of the Riigikogu and key politicians to the average/median salary in Estonia.
Such a change would motivate politicians to develop the Estonian economy and improve the country's financial sector with innovative solutions and strategies.
With an average salary, our political leaders would be able to better understand Estonian citizens and their daily struggles.
This change could also improve the current political climate by removing the inequality factor between political forces and ordinary citizens.
This change will also attract more motivated people into politics, as some of the current politicians are not interested in average salaries.
By reducing the salaries of our politicians, we could get additional funds to fill the gaps in the state budget and direct more money to more important projects that will really improve the quality of life of Estonian citizens.
Võim ja juhtimine on erinevad asjad
Autor peab endale selgeks saada mida tähendab "Riigikogu liige" ja mida tähendab "juhtimine". Kuna poliitik ei ole iseseisev, siis Riigikogu liikmete palka vähendamine ei anna mitte midagi. Aga erakonnade sponsorite ettevõttete riigistamine (nt. karistus nende juhatajate huvide lobeerimise eest) kohe parandab majandusliku olukorda.