Arvamusfestivali arutelude sisend strateegiale Eesti 2035Arvamusfestival

  • Eesti Koostöö Kogu


Strategic state governance game without development plans: 0:1 Estonia versus Scotland (Koosloomeala)

In Scotland combination of methods: Chief Designer and design thinking, randomisation, digital tools for live-tracking the performance of government, improvement science, open government as a way of doing things, a set of national outcomes, etc. There is no one miracle tool for good implementation. Doreen Grove: In Scotland we have aligned our national ambitions with the global sustainable development goals. Use them also in the Estonian strategy - why invent new goal? Marten Kaevats: If we would achieve a 3-pages easy-to-read summary of our national goals and baseline values during the Estonia 2035 process, that would be a real innovation in itself already! Estonia needs to build strategic development capacity, and use the already good examples of vision- creation and implementation, like Arengufond's vision for growth 2018.

  1. Essential for Estonia: cooperation culture, using all digital for becoming resilient in an uncertain world (and not for achieving short-term efficiency, which contradicts resilience), also having fun 😊

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