Riikliku eriplaneeringu kehtestamine: 290-meetrised elektrituulikute pargid Viimsi, Kakumäe, Tabasalu ja Paljassaare piirkonda ning Aegnale, Pranglile ja Naissaarele

  • MTÜ Elurikkuse Eest,
  • Andrus Soidik
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Riigikogus
  4. Järelkaja
1346 allkirja kogutud

Riigikokku saatmiseks allkirjad koos! Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Eesti keeles (allkirjastamisel)Inglise keeles (tõlge)Vene keeles (tõlge)

All of Estonia contributes to achieving renewable energy goals. Wind-rich areas – Viimsi, Kakumäe, Tabasalu, Paljassaare, Aegna, Prangli, and Naissaar – must play their part. Existing laws ensure environmental protection, respect for community interests, and a secure process.

It is important to ensure a clear and strategic balance between coastal and inland areas in wind energy development. Currently, most large-scale wind farm projects focus on Estonia's inland regions, where wind conditions are significantly less favorable compared to coastal areas. Meanwhile, the coastal regions of North Estonia, which have considerably higher wind energy potential and better economic feasibility for such projects, have been largely overlooked. It is unclear why areas like Viimsi, Kakumäe, Tabasalu, and Paljassaare, as well as Aegna, Prangli, and Naissaar—where wind conditions and infrastructure enable efficient energy production—are not included in green energy park planning. Directing wind energy projects to less efficient inland areas reduces the effectiveness of achieving national green transition goals and raises questions about the optimal use of energy infrastructure. Strategic balance requires maximizing the high wind potential of coastal areas while maintaining harmony between environmental and community impacts.

The regions of Viimsi, Kakumäe, Tabasalu, Paljassaare, Aegna, Prangli, and Naissaar offer excellent potential for the development of innovative and environmentally sustainable energy solutions, provided that environmental protection and community participation are prioritized.

A national special plan should be initiated for the construction of wind farms in these regions, following a transparent and balanced planning process.

These regions are ideal locations for establishing 290-meter wind farms to help Estonia achieve its renewable energy goals as outlined in the National Energy Development Plan 2035 (ENMAK 2035). All processes, from planning to construction, will be carried out in strict compliance with existing laws and regulations, ensuring environmental protection, community involvement, and a transparent process.

Viimsi Region: The wind conditions along Viimsi’s coast and its proximity to Tallinn make it an ideal location for wind energy production. All project-related activities comply with Estonian laws, including environmental impact assessment requirements. Potential noise or visual impacts are thoroughly evaluated according to existing standards. Laws ensure that the quality of life for residents is not compromised, and mitigation measures, such as precise turbine placement, are implemented when necessary.

Kakumäe Region: Kakumäe’s coastal location and existing infrastructure make it one of the most promising sites for wind energy development. All studies and construction activities are conducted in compliance with laws, including assessments of noise and visual impacts. The likelihood of the project having a negative impact on local residents is minimal. Laws also regulate the construction period to avoid excessive disruption to residential areas. Compensation fees and local community involvement are governed by law to ensure a balance of interests. Tabasalu and Paljassaare Regions: The strong wind potential and access to infrastructure in Tabasalu and Paljassaare are significant advantages. However, these regions are located near nature reserves, necessitating planning and environmental impact assessments in full compliance with environmental protection laws. For example, special mitigation measures are implemented to protect the Paljassaare Nature Reserve, such as placing turbines in areas unlikely to disturb local wildlife. All decisions are based on comprehensive, legally mandated studies that clarify the extent of impacts and help mitigate risks.

Aegna and Naissaar: The unique geographic locations of Aegna and Naissaar make them excellent candidates for wind energy production. All activities, including turbine placement and assessments of tourism impacts, are conducted in accordance with applicable regulations. The islands are valuable natural habitats and tourism destinations, and laws ensure that turbine construction does not significantly harm their environment or tourism potential. Environmental impact assessments and bird migration studies are legally required to prevent potential negative effects.

Prangli Island: Prangli Island presents an exceptional opportunity to establish a large wind farm with 290-meter turbines, ensuring efficient energy production in the region and significantly contributing to achieving Estonia’s national renewable energy goals. The island is located in a strategic wind corridor, where stable and strong winds create ideal conditions for large-scale energy production. The project planning is conducted in full compliance with Estonian laws and international standards, ensuring consideration of both environmental protection and community interests. Although the island has a sensitive ecosystem, extensive mitigation measures can be implemented to minimize any potential environmental impacts. For example, turbine placement will be optimized to preserve the island’s natural values, and construction work will be scheduled to minimize disturbances to birds and other wildlife.

The Prangli wind farm would play a key role in ensuring the island’s energy independence. A large-scale wind farm would not only meet local electricity needs but also allow surplus energy to be exported to the mainland. This provides the island with a unique opportunity to become a regional leader in energy production, enhancing Prangli’s reputation as a symbol of innovation and environmental sustainability. The sleek, modern design of the turbines would add an architectural dimension to the island’s skyline, reflecting technological progress and a green future. For both tourists and locals, the wind farm could become a symbol of renewable energy awareness, attracting visitors interested in witnessing the harmonious coexistence of technology and nature.

A large wind farm on Prangli Island would not only increase energy production but also bring significant economic and social benefits to the local community. The project would create jobs in construction, maintenance, and management and generate consistent revenues for both island residents and local municipalities through compensation fees and tax income.

In summary, Prangli Island is an ideal location for the construction of a large 290-meter wind farm. Its wind potential, strategic location, and opportunities for implementing environmentally friendly measures make this project both realistic and an inspiring step toward a greener future.

The Role and Reliability of Existing Laws: The establishment of wind farms in these regions is based on Estonian legislation, including the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS) and the Planning Act (PlanS). Existing laws regulate all aspects, from turbine heights and noise limits to environmental impact assessments and community involvement. All studies and plans are public and transparent, providing local residents with the assurance that their interests are protected. The likelihood of these projects having significant negative impacts on the environment or communities is minimal or entirely absent. If potential issues are identified during subsequent studies, specific mitigation measures are mandated by law to ensure both the success of the project and the well-being of communities and the natural environment. Compensation fees and the inclusion of local residents in decision-making processes are also regulated by law to maintain a balance of interests. All processes are conducted under strict legal and environmental standards, ensuring a reliable and sustainable energy source for Estonia.

The Role and Reliability of Existing Laws: The establishment of wind farms in these regions is based on Estonian laws, including the Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management System Act (KeHJS) and the Planning Act (PlanS). Existing regulations govern every aspect, from turbine height and noise limits to environmental impact assessments and community involvement. All studies and planning processes are public and transparent, providing local residents with the assurance that their interests are protected. The likelihood of these projects having a significant negative impact on the environment or local communities is minimal or entirely absent. If further studies reveal any potential issues, specific mitigation measures mandated by law will ensure the success of the project while safeguarding the well-being of communities and the natural environment. Compensation fees and the involvement of local residents are legally regulated to ensure a balance of interests. All processes are carried out under strict legal and environmental standards, providing Estonia with a reliable and sustainable energy source.

The Positive Impact of Wind Farms on the Mentioned North Estonian Regions: The 290-meter wind farms offer a unique opportunity to transform the traditional seascapes of North Estonia’s coastal areas into modern and inspiring vistas, reflecting a green future and technological progress. Their impressive height and elegant design add an entirely new architectural dimension to the horizon, symbolizing the region’s commitment to innovation and sustainability. Wind turbines are not just energy devices; they are symbols of forward-thinking communities and sustainability, demonstrating how aesthetics and functionality can coexist harmoniously.

Additionally, wind farms provide several socio-economic benefits to these regions:

Tourism Development: modern wind farms attract technology enthusiasts and supporters of the green transition who wish to visit innovative energy solutions. Locations such as Aegna and Naissaar are set to become increasingly popular tourist destinations.

Local Jobs: The construction and maintenance of wind farms create new employment opportunities in the region, boosting economic activity and offering additional income streams for local residents.

Improved Community Infrastructure: wind farms often bring investments into local infrastructure, including roads, electrical connections, and community services.

Enhanced Green Image: the reputation of regions like Viimsi, Paljassaare, and Aegna will grow internationally thanks to innovative and environmentally friendly solutions.

Promoting Community Recognition as Green Transition Leaders: the increased visibility and recognition of these communities as leaders in the green transition enhance their attractiveness and investment potential significantly. The additional resources generated by wind farms can be used to sustain and develop public services such as education, healthcare, and transport.

Employment and High Salaries: high-paying jobs in wind farm management, including positions for technicians, maintenance engineers, and other specialists, will raise the standard of living for local residents. This sector already faces a significant shortage of skilled workers across Europe, making these opportunities especially valuable.

These developments bring a multitude of positive impacts, many of which are measurable in economic terms.

However, planning does not automatically mean that wind farms will cover every area or that large-scale projects are always necessary based on energy needs. It is crucial that these developments are carried out without excessive harm to nature or disruption to residents’ living conditions. Comprehensive studies must be conducted to ensure a balanced approach that harmonizes nature, communities, and the production of clean energy.


To the Esteemed Board of the Parliament of Estonia:

The following collective address is submitted pursuant to the Rules of Procedure and Internal Rules of the Parliament of Estonia (hereinafter RKKTS).

We request that:

  1. The Board of the Parliament of Estonia accept this collective address for deliberation.
  2. The Board of the Parliament of Estonia forward the collective address to the relevant Riigikogu committee(s) for processing.
  3. The relevant Parliament of Estonia committee accept the collective address for deliberation.
  4. During the deliberation of the collective address, the contact person indicated in the address be invited to the committee meeting to provide additional explanations.
  5. The Parliament of Estonia committee make a decision to initiate a bill or organize a discussion on a matter of significant national importance.
  6. Alternatively, if the Parliament of Estonia committee does not make the decision mentioned in point 5, the authors of the address request the committee to take other appropriate action in accordance with § 152´13, points 2-6 of the RKKTS.

Additionally, we draw attention to the fact that, should the Board of the Parliament of Estonia deem that this address does not meet the requirements stipulated in § 71(2) of the Act on Responding to Memoranda and Requests for Explanations and Submission of Collective Addresses, the authors of the address request that a deadline be set to remedy the deficiencies.

1346 allkirja kogutud

Riigikokku saatmiseks allkirjad koos! Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

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Tähelepanu! Algatuse algtekst on kirjutatud eesti keeles, kuid lugesid ülal inglisekeelset tõlget. Su allkiri läheb aga eestikeelsele tekstile. Allkirjastada saab vähemalt 16-aastane Eesti alaline elanik.
Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

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  1. Nii vähe aega

    Allkirjastamiseks ainult 1 päev?

    1. Korras

    2. Kuu aega on ju 28. veebruarini. Millest see ühe päeva jutt?

  2. Allkirjastamine ei õnnestu

    Korduvate proovimiste peale tuli ikka sama teade: Allkirjastamine võttis liiga kaua aega. Palun proovi uuesti.

    1. Lõpuks ikka õnnestus ka.

  3. Ei saa aru.

    Vot ei saa aru kas ollakse tuulikute püstitamise poolt või vastu

    1. Ollakse vastu. Need piirkonnadt on nn "eliidi" elukohtadeks...

  4. Rumalus

    Lõpetaks nüüd need lollused ära ja hakkaks päriselt koos vastu seisma millegile inimesi ja loodust kahjustavale. Neis “uutes piirkondades” elab ka palju inimesi, kes toetavad kogu Eesti teadliku kogukonna vastuseisu tuulikutele ega ole huvitatud oma elukeskkonna hävitamisest.

    1. Tuulikud tapavad aeglaselt ent tõhusalt

      Tuuleparkide pealesurumine meenutab oma julmuselt küüditamist, sest hiigeltuulikute lähedus muudab elu võimatuks. On väär ideoloogilistel põhjustel eirata tuulikutest lähtuvat ohtu inimeste tervisele ja ümbritsevale loodusele. Tuulikualade naabruses elavad inimesed peavad taluma ööpäevaringset madalalt lendava lennuki mürale sarnanevat heli, mis kahjustab närvikava ja kärbib organismi vastupanuvõimet. Undamine võib kostuda kümne kilomeetri kaugusele, soodsate tuuleolude korral kaugemalegi. Ohtlik on tuulikute poolt tekitatud kõrvale kuulmatu madalsageduslik infraheli, mis põhjustab väsimust, ärevust, peavalu, unetust ja keskendumisraskusi. Lisaks lähtub tuuleparkidest elektrimagnetkiirgus, mille mõju inimeste tervisele pole Eestis uuritud. Tuulikutega seonduvaid negatiivseid mõjusid suurendavad veelgi öistest ohutuledest põhjustatud valgusreostus ning tiibade pöörlemisel tekkiv varjutus. Kui tuulikuparkide ehitus kavandatavas tempos jätkub, ei jää tuhandetel inimestel üle muud, kui kodudest põgeneda. Kas see pole piisav põhjus tuulikutest loobumiseks? Vsevolod Jürgenson

      1. Ei toeta

        Tegemist on kalli ja vananenud tehnoloogiaga.

        1. Juhuenrgia ja juhutarbimine

          Ei leidnud pöördumises, et allkirjastajad nõustuvad oma juhutarbimist sünkroniseerima juhuenergia tootmisega, st tarbiksid elektrienergiat siis, kui tuult on, ja tuulevaiksel ajal loobuksid elektrienergia tarbimisest.

          Olen lugenud läbi algatuse "Riikliku eriplaneeringu kehtestamine: 290-meetrised elektrituulikute pargid Viimsi, Kakumäe, Tabasalu ja Paljassaare piirkonda ning Aegnale, Pranglile ja Naissaarele" ja avaldan toetust oma allkirjaga.