
Loud music and bass vibration in residential area

  • Fares Saleh Rashed Abdulreh Alteneiji
  1. Ühisloomes
  2. Allkirjastamisel
  3. Menetluses
  4. Järelkaja
Peatatud: 0 allkirja

3518 allkirja puudu Tallinnale saatmiseks. Allkirjastamise tähtaeg: .

Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta.

Peatatud: 0 allkirja

Allkirjade kogumine on lõppenud. Paraku algatus ei kogunud autorite määratud tähtajaks kohalikku omavalitsusse saatmiseks vajalikku 3518 allkirja. Rahvaalgatus.ee säilitab kogutud allkirju maksimaalselt poolteist aastat allkirjastamise algusest, juhuks kui algatus taasavatakse.

Eesti keeles (allkirjastamisel)Inglise keeles (tõlge)Vene keeles (tõlge)

I would like to express problems about Loud Music noise and vibration generated by restaurants and bars using DJ and bass speakers. People who live in the central area in Tallinn (Old Town or Rotermanni) are mostly affected. For a long time the noise related to loud music , and Djs have become more disturbing and affecting daily life of families with children ,senior citizens and people who can't handle unwanted needed noise.

Many businesses have been using Djs every week twice or 3 times a week.

Due to weak law businesses are laughing at our faces , as they know that they are unpinished.

Even if the doors of the businesses are closed, people are not able to sleep because the impact of the Base speakers and vibrations is coming to property and it's preventing people from having a normal sleeping time.

Most of the time the music and Djs doesn’t stop at the time it is supposed to stop at. The week days at 10pm and midnight on Friday and Saturday. This year many people reported to the municipality police about the noise violation around the buildings.

From 01.07.2023 municipality police many times during the weekdays and weekends was contacted by call or e mail.

The law is not strict about noise violations, and police don't have the power to solve the problem.

I believe some changes should be made to improve the quality of life in Tallinn.

My suggestions to fix problem

1- Change the quiet period from midnight to 10pm on Friday and Saturday, So all week the quiet period should start from 10pm.

2- Prohibit the use of Base speakers around homes and residential areas.

3- Outdoor music volume should be controlled and regulated

4- Rising the fines for the noise violations

I believe these changes will improve the problem with the noise related to music and DJs. In the current situation no one is getting any benefits from the noise problem. People are getting disturbed in their homes, they end up calling the police , the government has to spend more money on these noise calls, and businesses keep doing noise violation after violation.


  1. Müra - helitugevus

    Arvan, et peaks piirama avalikus ruumis lubatavat helitugevust, ja täpsemalt määratlema, millise heliga, helitekitajaga on tegemist. Aeg - ametlik öörahu. Teemat vahetades on häiriv ka öine liiga valge linn, justkui polegi öö ja räägivad, et raha ei ole!

    1. Konkreetsust

      Nii "...Praegusel kujul pole müraprobleemist kellelegi kasu..." ei saa päris väita. Neil, kes pidu peavad, ju ikka on kasu ja inimesel peab ka võimalus olema kusagil pidutseda. Ei saagi tahata, et linn täiesti vaikne oleks. Samas on muidugi arusaadav ka ettepaneku esitaja mure. Kuid keskenduma ei peaks mitte niipalju müra tekitajale, pole ju vahet, kas selleks on DJ, bassikõlar, tolmuimeja, muruniiduk või laulukoor. Kui just avariide likvideerimine välja arvata, siis oleks korrektne teha ettepanek inimese põhjustatud müranivoole detsibellides, kuid see piir peaks siiski arvestama kõigi linnaelanike, sh nii pidutsejate, puhkusefriikude kui unekottide huvidega. Samas läbiv põhimõte peaks siiski olema see, et kui tahad elada täielikus vaikuses, siis sinu koht ei ole linnas.

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