Animals are being tortured by ESTONIA OÜ. who is the biggest cattle farmer and milk processor from cows.
See this documentary for yourself . ''ESTONIAS HEART HAS BEEN HACKED''
Please see this documentary - displaying the entrappment and horror that goe's on behind the scenes !
This company is one of the main raw milk providers, to all of the dairy product producers across estonia. All CHEESES', ALL BUTTER, (all foods containing dairy) and so forth is purchased from companies like ESTONIA OÜ - who entrap , rape and abuse female cows and separate them from their calves right after birth.
- These cow's never see the sun light. - They never see GRASS. - They are kept all their suffering lives in the facilities of ESTONIA OÜ and milked day and night. - There are thousands of cows in their facilities and 10,000's and thousands of cows slaughtered for meat, once done. - That means 100's of thousands of souls go within decades and abused during mass scale production to retrieve 50,000 tonns of milk a day.
It brings tears to ones eyes, who witnesses their suffering, and I have seen these cows there- totally lost, totally hopeless.
ESTONIA OÜ as well works with foreign companies, and after a long suffered life, they export these cows as well to foreign lands on 'ships' which travels last for 'Days' and 'WEEKS', without correct temperatures and without food and water. They are met most of the times, with aggressive men, who's criminal backgrounds are not checked. Meaning it is a gateway to allow criminals and as well mentally ill people to work for animal abattoirs, causing endless torture and suffering.
It is a horror story, and all done for profit, and completely neglecting the interests and wellbeing of fellow specie citizens, who have the same rights as other citizens, born of this county. Such quantities of milk are not needed for such a small country like estonia.
Please sign the petition and let's end this complete corruption.
Palun Allkirjastage ja aidake sellele lõpp teha
Tere Minu nimi on Sandra Daroy. Olen dokumentaalfilmi produtsent "EESTIMAA SÜDA ON KAAPERDATUD"
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