Stop Consumer Fireworks

  • Nilay Rammul
Arutelu lõppenud

Arutelu tähtaeg:

🚫 Arvesse läheb vaid üks allkiri inimese kohta 🚫

Individuals should not be able to buy and use fireworks randomly in the streets whenever and wherever they want. It is not only polluting the air but also causing a horrible sound pollution by producing a large amount of  noise. Individuals are using them with a total ignorance of sleeping babies, resting elders, scared animals and many other suffering parties by these noises, under the name of "joy". 


They should be used strictly by the government and only one time a year for a common festive cause: New Year's Eve. And government should ideally switch to laser fireworks to avoid the sound and air pollution, even if it's only one night a year. 


The use of fireworks has over the years led to many injuries and deaths. There have been incidents every year of users being blinded, losing body parts, or suffering other injuries, especially during festivities that customarily involve fireworks such as New Year season. Hence, many governments and authorities have enacted laws completely banning the sale or use of fireworks, or banning the use of fireworks in the street, primarily because of safety or environmental reasons. Estonia should take a step and ban this tradition as well to avoid further damage to environment and respect to all people whose lives are effected with utmost inconvenience due to sudden and loud noices caused by fireworks.


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