-- Replace Tax Increases with Spending Cuts Estonia has always been a nation of liberty, innovation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth.
- Our success as a country is built on the hard work, creativity, and determination of Estonian people and the entrepreneurs who came to this country.
- Estonia has transformed from a small, post-Soviet state to one of the world's most advanced digital societies.
- The entrepreneurial spirit has played a crucial role in shaping Estonia into a thriving economy and digital powerhouse.
- As the government plans to implement tax increases to balance the budget amidst the ongoing war in Ukraine, the pandemic and other challenges, we understand that changes must be made.
- However, we must remind ourselves that it is entrepreneurship, not taxation, that brought us this far.
To continue on this path of progress, we urge the government to reconsider these tax increases and instead implement spending cuts.
Instead of raising taxes, we should focus on reducing government spending.
- The proposed tax increases will hamper the entrepreneurial spirit that has been at the heart of our success.
- Careful evaluation of current expenses and the elimination of inefficiencies can help achieve the desired balanced budget without placing undue strain on our economy.
- Spending cuts will ensure that we maintain the favorable business environment that has allowed Estonia to excel, attracting more entrepreneurs and investors.
- By choosing fiscal responsibility over tax increases, we can preserve the entrepreneurial spirit that has made Estonia great and ensure that it continues to flourish in the future, even in the face of global challenges.
- We must safeguard our prosperity, protect our entrepreneurial spirit, and secure the bright future that Estonia deserves, despite the challenges posed by the war in Ukraine.
We petition the government to replace the planned tax increases with spending cuts.
Aga millised on ettepanekud
Idee paistab muidu tore ja hea aga kõik on liiga ümmargune. Kui teete sellise laia ja suure algatuse siis ootaks ka natuke majanduspõhist analüüsi. Või vähemalt vastuseid järgnevatele küsimustele: 1.Milliseid kulutusi peaks valitsus kärpima? 2."Valides maksutõusude asemel rahandusliku vastutustundlikkuse" - Mida tähendab teie arvates "rahanduslik vastutustundlikkus"? 3."Kavandatavad maksutõusud pärsivad ettevõtlikkust, mis on olnud meie edu aluseks." - Miks need seda pärsivad ning ootaks ka tõendipõhiseid näiteid. 4."Kulude kärpimine tagab soodsa ärikeskkonna säilimise, võimaldades Eesti jätkuva edumeelsuse ning atraktiivsuse ettevõtjatele ja investoritele." - Kuidas peaks riigi kulude kärpimine säilitama Eestis soodsa ärikeskkonna? Ja miks on riigipoolsete kulude (nende hulka kuuluvad ka siis riigi toetused) kärpimine muutma Eesti ettevõtjale ja investorile atraktiivseks?
Täname kommentaari eest. See algatus on mõeldud tõepoolest diskussiooni alustamiseks, enne kui nii rutakalt põhimõttelisemaid muudatusi tehakse. Allow me to switch to English to respond to the rest. First, they were all generally very valid questions, and in many's opinions, they should have been part of the election cycle discussion. Many public signers and supporters of this initiative are successful, productive Entrepreneurs in Estonia; what matters to them is the direction of the business environment that the elected "public servants" were elected to maintain. Many would rather be apolitical should the sense of a "pro-business" environment have not been challenged. "Largely business as usual" was the general sentiment after the election result and mainly through the coalition negotiation. Still, the last-minute disclosure of the tax hike was perceived hostile ambush, to the least, and some people considered being lied to. In summary, the sense of a "pro-business" environment that separated Estonia apart as a competitive country within the EU faces substantial doubt from some parts of the business community here. We demand more clarity, honesty, and thorough discussion of what was planned by the current government. Anything short of that would prompt people to vote for Estonian citizens and foreign entrepreneurs with their money and feet. To answer your question directly: 1.Milliseid kulutusi peaks valitsus kärpima? In principle, anything the private sector readily has the competence to do; and the public sector consistently shows incompetence. I do not have the competence to answer in details; But I believe business circle people look for people who think they are in charge to put a "pro-business" environment as a priority to keep Estonia competitive for the next maybe 200 years(?). 2."Valides maksutõusude asemel rahandusliku vastutustundlikkuse" - Mida tähendab teie arvates "rahanduslik vastutustundlikkus"? Spending less than earned, and saving more before asking for more. 3."Kavandatavad maksutõusud pärsivad ettevõtlikkust, mis on olnud meie edu aluseks." - Miks need seda pärsivad ning ootaks ka tõendipõhiseid näiteid. The less money for the competent entrepreneurs to keep, the less money for them to invest how they see fit within their competence. 4."Kulude kärpimine tagab soodsa ärikeskkonna säilimise, võimaldades Eesti jätkuva edumeelsuse ning atraktiivsuse ettevõtjatele ja investoritele." - Kuidas peaks riigi kulude kärpimine säilitama Eestis soodsa ärikeskkonna? Ja miks on riigipoolsete kulude (nende hulka kuuluvad ka siis riigi toetused) kärpimine muutma Eesti ettevõtjale ja investorile atraktiivseks? State-directed investments are ineffective and prone to attract "political entrepreneurs" instead of competent, productive entrepreneurs who make a difference in their way and fail with their risks. In the grand scheme of things, if Estonia becomes much similar to yet another country similar in EU, then the reason for stayi
Nagu võõrkeelne inimene juba kirjutas, siis eesmärk võiks olla diskussiooni algatamine. Meil see puudub. Kulutamisel on elementaarne mõelda, et on piiratud summa, millest tuleb teha kõiki üksikult võetuna vajalikke ja häid kulutusi. Oma isiklikus eelarves ei tee inimesed nii, et kulutavad kõigele, mis oleks nagu vajalik ja siis tuleb välja mis tuleb - suur miinus. Kui nii tehakse, siis see lõppeb ruttu ja päris halvasti. Tuleb teha valikuid. Just kulutuste osas. Ja jätta tegemata ka iseenesest üksikult võttes vajalikke kulutusi. Riiklikul tasandil toimub aga just selline vastutustundetus. Valimiste ajal püüavad kõik erakonnad lubada mingeid kulutusi. Püüdes selle käigus saada endale võimalikult suurt toetust. Keegi ei räägi sellest, mille arvelt need väga ilusad ja vajalikud kulutused tehakse. Valimiste ajal (ega ka nende vahel) ei räägi ükski poliitik eelarve raames prioriteetide (ja osade) muutmisest. Kui me ei hakka planeerima oma kulutusi, lähtudes selleks olevast rahast, siis ei aita mingitest maksutõusudest- need aitavad katta kulutusi vaid järgmise korrani. Praegune valitsus tahab kaotada maksuküüru. See tehti natuke enne üleeelmisi valimisi, et sisuliselt toetust "osta". Väga halb tegu. Vastutustundetu. Aga kas praegune plaan parandab selle sammu või teeb olukorra hullemaks? Just majanduse hävitamise tõttu.